What is ECSM?

The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) is partnering with the Commission and Member States in carrying out #CyberSecMonth: the EU’s annual campaign dedicated to promoting cybersecurity among EU citizens and organisations and providing up-to-date online security information through awareness raising activities and sharing of good practices.

About ECSM

The ECSM campaign is coordinated by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) and the European Commission, and supported by EU Member States and hundreds of partners (governments, universities, think tanks, NGOs, professional associations, private sector business) from Europe, and beyond.

Each year, for the entire month of October, hundreds of activities take place across Europe, including conferences, workshops, trainings, webinars, presentations and more, to promote digital security and cyber hygiene.

The EU Agency for Cybersecurity coordinates the organisation of the ECSM campaign by acting as a “hub” for all participating Member States and EU Institutions, and by providing expert suggestions, generating synergies and promoting common messaging among EU citizens, businesses and public administration. The Agency also publishes new materials and provides expert advice on different cybersecurity topics for Member States’ audiences.

ECSM 2024 - #ThinkB4UClick

In this year's European Cybersecurity Month Campaign, we are diving deep into the world of Social Engineering, where cybercriminals employ clever manipulation tactics to breach our security defenses. 

Join us throughout October as we unravel the world of Social Engineering. From phishing emails to impersonation scams, we will decode the tactics that hackers use and empower all to recognize and thwart their efforts.

  • Participate – find events near you.
  • Become an Organiser - submit your activity.
  • Join the campaign on Twitter and Facebook: @CyberSecMonth, #CyberSecMonth, #ThinkB4UClick

Find more information on the page: Get involved

‘Cybersecurity is a Shared Responsibility’

Since the first event in 2012, the European Cybersecurity Month has been reaching its key priorities by bringing together parties from across Europe under the slogan ‘Cybersecurity is a Shared Responsibility’ to unite against cyber threats. Each year, the campaign not only promotes the safer use of the Internet for EU citizens, but the organisers provide the knowledge and tools to do so.

Find more on ECSM Through the Years.